COVID-19: Changes to Our Clinic

Since acupuncture was deemed an essential service, we’ve been planning steps to re-open our clinic, taking care to integrate new protective measures so we can tend to those in need as safely and effectively as possible. Below are some of the ways we’ve updated our operations to ensure safety for our patients and staff.

Limited Appointments
To reduce the risk of exposure, we are limiting the number of appointments that can occur at the same time.

Enhanced Cleaning & Sanitation
Treatment areas and key touchpoints (such as treatment tables, face cradles, chairs, light switches, door handles, faucet handles, sanitizer pumps, etc.) are disinfected after each patient and all throughout the day.

Private & Semi-Private Treatments Only
The open layout of our Community space will be converted into separate treatment areas and all sessions at our clinic will be done in private or semi-private treatment rooms.

Remote Intakes & Consultations
To minimize face-to-face interactions, we are conducting intake interviews and consultations through phone or video calls. We’ll work with you to find a convenient time before your appointment to discuss how you’re doing and what health conditions you are looking to treat.

Contactless Payment
We will be using contactless payment for all transactions and we ask that everyone have a credit card on file.

Natural Defenses: Supporting Immune Health with a Classic Chinese Herbal Formula

Some of you may be wondering how Chinese Medicine can help during this time. While so much is changing around us, it can be grounding to take a moment to see what hasn’t changed. There are still many simple but impactful ways we can help ourselves. In this post, we want to share some information about a popular herbal formula known as “Jade Windscreen,” which can be useful for enhancing our body’s natural immunological defenses.

Self-Care During COVID-19

For many of us, life has changed dramatically and our world looks and feels very different than it did just a few short weeks ago. As we try our best to flow with changing life rhythms, let’s remember the small things we can do to support our mental, emotional, and physical health. Here are four ways we can practice self-care in these challenging times.

Move Your Qi

When your qi functions smoothly—so does your emotional, mental, and physical activity. Move your qi for optimum health!

Stretch - Incorporate a morning stretch into your routine. According to Oriental medicine, the liver meridian stores blood during periods of rest and then releases it to the tendons in times of activity, helping to maintain tendon health and flexibility.

Relief from Irritability and Moodiness

Everyone suffers from irritability and moodiness from time to time, but if you find that a short temper and frustration are becoming a constant issue for you, then acupuncture may be able to help.

Often irritability and moodiness are the consequence of chronic stress in your life. Over time these emotions can progress into more serious emotional conditions such as anxiety and depression as well as other health conditions such as digestive problems, trouble sleeping and the tendency to get sick more frequently.

Oriental Medicine Provides Mental Health Support

The start of the new year is a time of looking forward to the future, setting goals and putting in motion the steps necessary to achieve them. Emotional wellness enhances our ability to move forward effectively and includes recognizing and accepting our emotions, thinking clearly, and making decisions. Acupuncture and Oriental medicine nurtures emotional wellness and provides support for mental health disorders.